
We are always looking for quality employees!

Part-time personnel are hired through an application process. The application can be accessed below. Contact Chief Traci Kuzminski at 937-535-1132 for questions.

Part-time minimum requirements for employment are Firefighter Level I, and EMT-B Certification at the time of hiring. Those hired will be assigned to a platoon. You will work one 24-hour shift per week. During the first month, you will work 2- 12 hour shifts per week until training is completed.

Please review and use these documents to apply for Part-time employment:

  1. Part-time Pay and Benefits – Current pay, schedule, and benefits offered to part-time personnel – for applicant to review
  2. Part-time Job Description – Applicant must read and understand the requirements for the position.
  3. City Application – This application must be filled out with copies of your Driver’s license, and current EMT and Fire certifications uploaded to the application website.

Full-time personnel are hired through a testing process determined by the Merit System Commission. An independent agency monitors these exams and the dates of any upcoming exams are announced in the local papers before the testing dates. The entire full-time hiring process is handled through the Merit Service Commission.

Full-time minimum requirements for testing are Firefighter Level 2 and State Certified Paramedic at the time of hiring.

The Moraine Fire Department and The City of Moraine are both an Equal Employment Opportunity employer.